Saturday, September 29, 2007

Download the Handouts

I'm now two weeks into the fall AUGI CAD Camp season and have had the pleasure of presenting Revit classes in St. Louis, West Palm Beach, Indianapolis, and Tulsa. The reception I've received in all four cities has been wonderful, and even more impressive has been the number of attendees. Last year, many of the Revit classes had less than a dozen attendees. This year, most of the classes have had more than 40 people. In Tulsa this week, we ran out of seats in the meeting room in which the Revit classes were held.

We also ran out of some of the handouts. For that reason (and also so that attendees can get extra copies of my handouts to share with coworkers back at the office), I have posted copies of all of my handouts on my website ( While I certainly invite you to visit my website to see all of the other goodies posted there, I'm including the links below so that you download the PDF versions of the Revit handouts directly:
I'm developing additional classes for upcoming CAD Camps and will post those Revit-specific titles on-line as well once they are completed.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

AutoCAD 2008 Service Pack is Now Available

Back in early July, while I was preparing my handouts for the Honolulu AUGI CAD Camp event, I discovered several bugs in AutoCAD 2008 that affected the creation of tables. If the drawing from which you were extracting data contained dynamic blocks, the tables created from that data would not display the proper data within AutoCAD, although the data extracted to an external file, such as an Excel spreadsheet, was correct.

I reported at that time that Autodesk was aware of this problem and would be addressing it in a future service pack. That service pack has now been released, and I am happy to report that SP1 does indeed correct this problem. Tables created from drawings that include dynamic block data are now generated properly.

The service pack is available from Autodesk's website. I encourage all users of AutoCAD 2008 to download the service pack as soon as possible.